Poetry of Resistance ~ Odilia Galván Rodríguez

Odilia Galván Rodríguez, Poets Responding Admin.Photo copyright  © Claudia D. Hernández

Odilia Galván Rodríguez, Poets Responding Admin.

Photo copyright © Claudia D. Hernández


Bridges v. Borders /
Puentes contra Fronteras

in another world
a border would be a bridge
crossing and answer

en otro mundo
una frontera sería un puente
atravesando una respuesta

Odilia Galván Ródriguez, at the invitation of Francisco X. Alarcón, along with other poets became a moderator of the Poets Responding to SB 1070 Facebook page early on. Odilia had worked with Francisco on other poetry collaborations since the 1980s when they met in Santa Cruz. She then became a member of Centro Chicano de Escritores with Alarcón and other Chicanx and Latinx poets and writers that used to meet in the Mission District of San Francisco. She continues to work with the Poets Responding project to this day and became its administrator at Francisco’s behest at the end of 2015.

Galván Rodríguez is the co-editor, along with Alarcón, of the groundbreaking and award-winning anthology Poetry of Resistance Voices for Social Justice, University of Arizona Press, 2016. The anthology came about as a result of the featured work of poets being voted on by the poet-moderator team of the Poets Responding to SB 1070 page, work which had been previously selected by them for features in La Bloga, a collaboration with Michael Sedano entitled On-Line Floricanto.

What follows are more poems Odilia has contributed over the first years of Poets Responding and a statement about her activist work with the group and Facebook page. ✿⊱╮


all kinds of borders
of empires
where we’ve needed
inherited new skins
to walk around in-
having to shapeshift

todo tipo de fronteras
de imperios
donde hemos necesitado
nuevas pieles heredadas
para poder caminar
por el medio
mientras cambiamos
de forma


a bag
of seeds, of songs
Kokopelli, trickster
played his music in a desert

doomed words
we are full of
life wanting to spill out
on parched ground lusting for water

with this
drumbeat I give
you back your heart, my heart
to dance back the clouds and rain ~ our

a rock
can hurt or heal.
you ~ keep hurling through time
as though it has no tomorrows
to see

trees we made love
and more than fruit was born
a future we could not foretell -
our fate

Destinies appeared in ZYZZYVA Magazine




to knock

down borders

... built in fear and hate

with these bare hands that birth poems

out of heart words flying in the wind with birds of peace

hate’s a dis-ease that makes people believe it’s okay to kill "other" people's children …


we storm

the border between

here and there

the border

has been replaced

by people

holding hands


a human chain

across the Southlands

our hands are joined

our hands holding

our hands sharing the power

from one palm to the next

a chain of energy

thousands of hands

held in hope

held in love

holding and sharing

in solidarity

for a new world

possible in positivity

in visions

of other realities

our hands


of our hands

red, yellow, black and white




legal hands

just because they are human


sending out a message


sending out love


saying basta ya!




out the hate



Poems are copyright © Odilia Galván Rodríguez. All rights reserved in all media.