Poets Responding to SB 1070 the First Five Years


In tonatiuh / in tlanaxtia

may your sun / shine forever

Photo taken by AZU Professor Manuel J Hernández G after Francisco X. Alarcón read poetry at a vigil in front of the Arizona State Capitol on April 29, 2010.

Photo taken by AZU Professor Manuel J Hernández G after Francisco X. Alarcón read poetry at a vigil in front of the Arizona State Capitol on April 29, 2010.

May 2, 2010 FXA in Tucson

May 2, 2010 FXA in Tucson

We are clouds / free flowing / up in the blue Arizona sky

On this trip to Tucson in support of the Capitol Nine and other actions that were taking place across the state of Arizona in opposition to SB 1070, Francisco met and did several readings with local artivists. He also visited schools while there to share his poetry and stories of having grown up on both sides of the border.

May Day Floricanto, May 1, 2010 - Tucson, AZ

May Day Floricanto, May 1, 2010 - Tucson, AZ


Flyer By Carlos “Hawk” Galván

Flyer By Carlos “Hawk” Galván

A Multicultural Reading in Response to SB 1070

Over twenty poets came together to lend their voices in a group reading in response to Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and in resistance to the atmosphere of national xenophobia under which the bill (and its emerging counterparts) were created.

Confirmed readers included: Francisco X. Alarcon, Tara Betts, Sarah Browning, Regie Cabico, Carmen Calatayud, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Susan Deer Cloud, Martín Espada, Odilia Galvan Rodriguez, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Aracelis Girmay, Randall Horton, Juan Felipe Herrera, Dorianne Laux, Marilyn Nelson, Mark Nowak, Barbara Jane Reyes, Abel Salas, Sonia Sanchez, Craig Santos Perez, Hedy Trevino, Pam Uschuk, Dan Vera, Rich Villar, and Andre Yang.

The event was co-sponsored and presented by the Acentos Foundation, Split This Rock, and the Poets Responding to SB 1070 Facebook group moderators.

Hosted by Rich Villar.

TIME: Friday, February 4 · 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Poets Responding to SB 1070 Moderators along with other poet activists at the Floricanto in DC, and offsite event during the AWP conference.

Poets Responding to SB 1070 Moderators along with other poet activists at the Floricanto in DC, and offsite event during the AWP conference.

Beautiful Poetas

Beautiful Poetas

MORE Poets Responding to SB1070 Historical Archives to come… Anyone wishing to contribute photos, anecdotes, stories, etc. please contact us at poetryofresistantce2016@gmail.com.
